By: Lidia Dogaru On: June 13, 2012 In: Life, Motivation Comments: 2

Remember the book? Here are a few more things that you can do because it’s never too late. 🙂

It’s never too late… TO LIVE FOR TODAY
Only today is certain. We’re not guaranteed tomorrow. Plan for tomorrow. But live in the present.


It’s never too late…TO LAUGH AT YOURSELF
Life is too short to take it too seriously. It’s easy to laugh at others – much harder to laugh at ourselves. But it’s more rewarding. It lightens our lives. It brightens others’ lives. It builds self-confidence and self-worth. It endears us to others.

It’s never too late… TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE
Make this your starting point. Look on the lighter side. Choose happy over sad. Love over hate. Good over bad. Hope over despair. Put the dark side behind you. That way the shadows will fall behind you.


It’s never too late…TO LISTEN

Take time to pause. Even when you have a point to make. Or when you’re angry or frustrated. Listen to the person talking to you, to the world around you, to your heart, to your loved ones. Listen to their words and their unsaid messages.


It’s never too late… TO SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE
Every day our lives seem more entangled. Work often dominates. And swamps our lives. Balance is hard to find. Locate your real priorities. Untangle them. Keep only the essentials. Give away, or lose, the others. The simple things are the most valuable.


It’s never too late…TO RELAX

Take time to pause. Forget the coffee and the smokes. Don’t eat lunch at your desk. Take a walk in the park. Browse a bookstore. Chill in a library. Go for a run, or a swim. Have a laugh with friends. Break the endless cycle.


It’s never too late… TO RUN A MARATHON
It’s much more than a race. It’s a magnificent personal challenge – as much mental as physical. Learn as you train. Take it gradually, in bite-sized chunks. Prepare your body and your mind carefully. Trust yourself. Commit yourself to finish. Keep your promise.


It’s never too late… TO START A NEW CAREER

Your career it’s not you. It’s not your life – it’s your job. You can always expand your horizons or change direction. Remain positive. Find a new work challenge – one that inspires you. Explore it. Chase it with passion!


It’s never too late… TO FIND THE EDGE
We set boundaries for safety. From fear. Because of habit. Test them! See why you drew them. Push against them. Break through them. Feel the exhilaration.


Part one of the “It’s never too late series” can be found in this article.

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