By: Lidia Dogaru On: July 02, 2012 In: Change, Life, Motivation Comments: 1

Remember the book? Here are a few more things that you can do because it’s never too late.

It’s never too late…TO GET FIT

Think of yourself as a ‘street’ athlete. Start slowly…but start. Set your own, personal goals. Be realistic. Think how long it’s taken to get unfit. Walk one block, jog one block. Swim half a lap, paddle half a lap. Keep increases gradual, and manageable. Be proud as you progress. Never be afraid to ask for help.

It’s never too late…TO MAKE PLANS

Looking ahead takes you out of the daily grind. Planning ahead brings hope. Small plans first, with realistic goals. Build confidence. Then make bigger plans with bigger goals. Always have plans.

It’s never too late… TO FALL IN LOVE

Open your heart. (It’s not easy but it’s essential.) How will love enter if your heart is closed? Look ahead for love, not behind. Love is waiting. Don’t chase it. Be yourself. Be open to possibilities. Love will find you.


It’s never too late… TO TAKE A TRIP

Change the scenery of your life. You don’t have to travel far. It’s an adventure. A chance to refresh. To learn. To compare. To meet new people. To make new friends. To view things anew. To grow.

It’s never too late… TO FORGIVE

Forgiving releases us. Until we forgive, we’re imprisoned. It allows us to look ahead. It empowers us. It gives us positive energy. It opens up the future.



It’s never too late… TO SMILE

So few muscles needed. So little effort. So many benefits. Smiling brightens our faces and lights up a room. It can disarm and charm.

It’s never too late… TO LISTEN TO YOUR HEART

Our world is loud, fast and chaotic. We need time to pause. To look around us. To hear our heart. It knows things your mind can’t understand. Take time out. Freeze frame your daily life. Be open to your heart. Listen to it.

Check also the first and the second part of the article.
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