This is the start for a happiness challenge!
A great way to begin the month of February and an amazing way to give a boost to your attitude in 2014. Get an uptitude by accepting this challenge!
Maybe you already know that it takes 21 days to create a habit. We challenge you now to create the habit of being happy and of noticing the small things in life that make you happy. Ready to take it? Read below the guidelines.
- you don’t need to wait for big things to happen in order to be happy: small things do count
- appreciate the moments, the people, the small things that make you happy now – they will give you long term happiness
- take time to appreciate the small things that make you feel better
- gather and share your small moments of happiness every day for 21 days in a row, starting today or in the next 7 days.
- for 21 days in a row, share your small moment of happiness using a short phrase and a picture of what made you happy that day. No matter how small it is, it contributes to your happiness. It’s a challenge to help you gain a happiness habit
- share your photo via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram or email it at or and use the tags #smallmomentofhappiness and #21dayuptitude with a mention of the day of the challenge (day 1, day 2 etc)
- if you wish that your photos remain private, you can send them via email and we will not share them
- !!! if you go through the entire 21 days, at the end of the challenge Uptitude will send you YOUR Small Moments of Happiness online book that includes a few of the famous moments from the book and your 21 moments too.
- we start the challenge today, the 1st of February and we will continue for 21 days
- you can also start anytime the next 7 days, the last start day is Saturday, February 8th
- this challenge will help you be happier and make others happier by sharing happiness
- be in a better mood every day
- appreciate what you have, what you do and who you are
- open your eyes and see the beauty in your life
- get a new attitude, an uptitude!
So, let’s recap:
- start the 21 day challenge now to create a habit of happiness
- take a photo of your small moment of happiness and share it using the tags #smallmomentofhappiness and #21dayuptitude with a mention of the day of the challenge (day 1, day 2 etc)
- you will receive at the end of the 21 days your online Small moments of happiness book!
You can also share them on our Facebook pages or check there a few examples: Small Moments of Happiness Page or on Uptitude page. Oh, we also have the Small moments of Happiness website and take a look at the book to know what’s waiting for you at the end of the challenge.