By: Lidia Dogaru On: July 11, 2014 In: Motivation, Team, Uptitude Comments: 0

I must be honest…When we first published the announcement that we are searching for Motivation Content Creators, I was expecting only a few people to write to us. And guess what happened!

We didn’t get only a few people… we got a lot of amazing, resourceful, enthusiastic, authentic, beautiful people!!! And we are so happy today to present them to you too! They are open-minded, multicultural, have different nationalities and live in different parts of Europe (Italy, Belgium. Romania, Ireland, Holland, UK, France…for now).

Together with the core Uptitude team that is made by Roxana, Francesco and myself (Lidia), we make our international big MCC team!

You will definitely be in great hands with your development and uptitude because they are outstanding creators and uptituders!

So, who is this team? Check below:



AlinaAlina Ionescu

Passionately curious and curiously passionate. She enjoys the constant chase for more beauty in our lives through the expansion and refining of limits and horizons, and through directly experiencing people. More about her: LinkedIn



AnamariaAnamaria Fuiorea

The typical hot blooded oltenian with the frozen virgo heart, introvert, who likes to do rather than talk, very passionate about building relations and interacting with people. She likes travelling, history, good music, fashion, watches… time in particular. Very inquisitive in nature, likes culture and everything pretty to the eye (mostly shoes 😉 ). She likes fantasy books and would like to have her own dragon.

Her motto: Matthew 5:14 ” YOU are the Light of the world.” More about her: LinkedIn



AneAne San Miguel

An entrepreneur that hosts and designs environments to make things happen. Story telling is her lifetime goal and within this framework she works as a Graphic harvester at conferences and gatherings. Working mostly on short term projects, she is now searching to join a longer term and bigger scale project that will allow her to follow & be followed, grow and strengthen her resilience towards new environments. More about her: Website and LinkedIn



IoanaIoana Selner

She likes to think about her as a sum of attitudes, she is a creative and interesting person. She likes to live after her own rules, to enjoy every moment and to exceed her limits. She always has a smile on her face, she is positive and enthusiastic regarding her work. She loves people and their stories, good books, sunny places, flowers, arts. She is  a journalist, a PR specialist, but behind this: she is a regular woman, that likes to love and be loved, because life is like a movie, with challenging experiences. More about her: Website



IrinaIrina Marchitan

Someone grateful for all that she has and for all the great people she had the chance to meet in her life. She loves talking to others because everyone has something to teach and this is how she feels alive! She is an adventurer excited to feel the beauty that surrounds her. Left her country to live in Paris and then found love in London where she moved recently. More about her: LinkedIn



IuliaIulia Saplacan

Passionate about life, travelling, photography and personal growth. Moved to Italy in search of a new idea. Not rich but full of things to share, she loves having a good laugh, especially at herself :). She likes to see what challenges life puts on our way, so join in with her! With Uptitude she will help in giving you a different perspective on things. More about her: LinkedIn



MartineMartine Alonso Marquis

A former Uptitude coachee. Because she benefited so much from coaching, which made possible to achieve her goal of becoming more creative and finding her dream job, she decided to help others developing the right tools for leading the life they really want. Currently, she works for a transatlantic human rights network, is the creator and producer of a web-series, but at the same time enjoys teaching and training. All of these activities allow her to live her various passions for all things that touch upon interculturality and openness towards others.




Monica Moldovan

A life enthusiast, loves learning new things, always looking to meet positive people and share ideas.

Living in Brussels, she writes about two subjects that she is mostly passionate about: relationships and dating.



PaddyPaddy Honan

Certified Life and Business Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and Seminar Leader from Ireland. Drawing on his vast personal life experience, he is currently writing his book ‘The Art of Selfless Esteem’, which will empower readers to make their difference in the world and find fulfilment in life. As a Social Entrepreneur, helping to bring about a fairer and happier world is Paddy’s greatest passion. You can get his free eBook ‘The Purpose of Happiness’ here. More about him: Website and LinkedIn



RobertaRoberta Rossini

Working for a multinational company, Italian, 3 children and an Austrian husband making the whole family move every few years across Europe. She is a great supporter of the lean six sigma approach, looking at data distribution over time and seeding how to make processes better. At the same time she has a passion of anything which has to do with driving excellence in each single person – an element that must go hand in hand with the “number based” six sigma. The search for personal excellence is first of all a positive attitude automatically leading to a balanced life too – having a balanced life is a measure of success for personal excellence. More about her: LinkedIn




Simon Finlayson

A travelling Englishman, living in the Netherlands and working throughout Europe. He enjoys being outside in Nature and taking on interesting and challenging projects, especially building things himself! Having spent 12 years sailing the seven seas, he recently realised that he could take ownership of his time and use it to fulfil his dreams, so he left his job, moved house to the middle of the woods and set about creating awesomeness! As part of the Uptitude family, he shares and celebrates as we learn through exciting failures and magnificent successes! More about him: LinkedIn



StefiStefania Rosca

25 year old Romanian business graduate currently working in the corporate world. She is passionate about traveling and she dreams about seeing the whole world one day.  She lived in Germany, USA and Romania and consider herself a multicultural person. Loves sports and in her free time she tries to entertain others via her blog. An enthusiastic, sometimes funny, way too naive and a coffee lover. Writing with Uptitude because sharing is caring: she is only one person but she knows that she can make a difference. More about her: Website and LinkedIn



YayiYayi Samaké

French-Malian woman currently based in Brussels. Life coach, passionate about human development, psychology and experimentations. A great cook and a singer, she loves cherries, trying new things and Crossfitting. One of her stronger beliefs is that change should come from within and extra help can be welcome! She decided to become a coach and show people the power they have within so that they get more satisfaction and more alignment in their lives. More about her: LinkedIn



And we have 3 more people to add to this list, but we are still in the process of getting them on board.

Join me in congratulating these amazing people and welcome them in making a difference in your lives!

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