By: Iulia Saplacan On: July 18, 2014 In: Challenge, happiness, Learning, Life Comments: 2

sunflowerAll of us, as some point of our lives had trouble in finding “our way”. So we had an early/middle/late life crisis, (a lot of) wrong dating and bad relationships, weight problems, low self-esteem issues and so on.

Well, guess what, that time is over! And it is over because you and I can change it! Sometimes it is hard to stick with the commitment I took with myself, but then I remember that discipline pays a lot, so here are some advice that could be useful to help you have a clearer vision of how to have a better life. For sure it helped me!



Self-acceptance and self-love

I know, this is a very hard task, but believe me, it’s worth it. Accepting yourself for who you are, with your qualities and your faults, is the best thing that you can do. Sometimes it is much easier to forgive others than forgiving ourselves.

Learning that forgiving yourself for everything that didn’t turn out as you wanted and accepting that you are not perfect, is the fastest way for the life that you want. And self-acceptance brings self-love.

Loving is such a beautiful feeling and most of us are so concentrated in giving love to others, that forget to love the most important person in their lives, themselves. You are the most important person in your life! So love yourself, be proud of what you are, be forgiving and be shinny!


Take care of your brain (and looks)

In a society where looks tend to count more than what we think, trying to keep our brains in shape is quite a challenge. So travel, read good books, take pictures, learn a new language, work-out, do some cooking or gardening course or whatever helps you learn something new, something you didn’t know that existed until then. If your budget doesn’t allow you to do all these things, no worries. Just go out and take a different road or learn how to do things by yourself! Watch a video, read a book, ask someone who is good at doing something and observe what he or she does and practice.

As for beauty, well… this is quite subjective. Beauty is not about make-up or a fancy haircut. Of course, it helps a lot, but external beauty fades away with time. I know that this may sound like something that beautiful people say just to make us feel better, but it’s such a true saying.

Real beauty is all about what we have inside, the sparkle in our eyes, our sense of humor, being carrying and being in love with life, our life.


Choose your friends carefully

Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.” Have you ever thought about it? Did you ever notice what a great impact people can have on us? Another famous quote says “no man is an island” and this is true. We are influenced by family, friends, people at our job and so on. So notice how this affects your life and decide who “sticks with you”. Surround yourself with positive people that can bring something to your life, instead of having “energetic vampires” around you.

Quality friends determine a quality life.


And above all …


Have faith in yourself!

No one knows what is best for you! Not your family, nor your friends and not even your lover. So try to be objective, don’t act as a victim (no victimism) and take responsibility for your actions. Ask for advice, but decide on your own. And have faith in your instinct, at times it helps a lot.


Let me know how it goes! 🙂


Photo: Carlos Almeida



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    • Yayi
    • July 18, 2014
    • Reply

    A small tip for self-acceptance : write every day in your journal 3 things you like about yourself, 3 nice things you’ve done in the day or 3 things you are grateful for. On gloomy days, read the list, smile and enjoy 🙂

    • Iulia Saplacan
    • July 20, 2014
    • Reply

    Thank you for the tip! 🙂

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