A Fear to Face? A force that can destroy everything you know and love?
Or…A breath of fresh air? A portal to new opportunities? A gift to yourself and those around you? A beginning?
Often we become comfortable with our lives, a balance is achieved where we are well… Just right… Not good or bad, no nasty surprises or complications, life rolls on from day to day and feels good enough.
This is, of course, fine. Just fine. Who wants to feel so good that the world seems to glow around them? Who wants to have so many new experiences that every day surpasses all of their expectations or dreams? Who wants to live?
Stay asleep, or wake up?
Too many questions?
Ask yourself one – only one – If you could change one tiny thing in your life, what would it be?
The first thing you say to your partner in the morning?
The last thing you say to them at night?
How often you call your mother?
Which way you drive to work?
They might seem as insignificant changes, but try it and see…
The change you make can be tiny, yet have epic effects.
Imagine if you were to love it, go on to make Epic Changes, what would it be like then?
I guess the hardest is to leave the #ComfortArea.
On my side I’m for sure someone ready to take a #change no matter what it takes.
Left my first job after 7 years :)) Changed the country I live in twice in last 3 years :))
and many other less epic I guess :)))
And that’s what makes me #happy human on this earth!!