“I’ve made peace with myself. Good for you. The hardest war of all to win. Didn’t say I won. Just stopped fighting.” – Joe Abercrombie
We are born into a world of chaos. The sad stories of the world are tearing at our hearts and our minds are constantly under assault. Many of us are haunted in a more or less subtle way by anxiety or depression. When this is going on for long periods of times we can even forget what feeling good is really like. And in the equilibrium of our lives, feeling at peace at least sometimes will make a big difference. Can you recognize when you are not at peace on the inside?
Peace does and can only come from the inside; it is really peace with ourselves and everything else. The ability to forgive ourselves, and others, helps take down some of the burden we carry around. A big part of it. Accept that we each do what we can in our present life conditions. That is also why you cannot possibly know what someone else is going through unless you are actually in their shoes. Not judging other people will help you feel better on the inside.
Accept what is, as it is. If you can’t change it – and you have to be honest, there is a lot you can’t change – try really hard not to worry over it. Be watchful of your thoughts – they keep going in circles, and sometimes act like an invisible parasite.
Be kind and thoughtful with others as it warms your heart as well. Allow yourself to meaningfully encounter other people as they will rekindle your inner spirit. The inner spirit is a source for inspiration and renewal in your life, eventually helping you come by more peace. 🙂
Look at your problems objectively rather than feeling trapped in them. Everything can be overcome while we still breathe. And keeping an objective outlook on them really helps solve them and at the same time promote peace.
Live in the present moment. It has been proven that mind-wondering makes people less happy than actually focusing on the present moment, even when they are mind-wondering about happy experiences they’ve had. So quiet down your mind from time to time and just take in the direct experience of being there, peacefully.
Jim McDonald said: “I suffer because my interactions with others do not meet the expectations I did not know I had”.
Release some of your expectation in favor of your inner peace. Peace of mind also comes from not wanting to change people, even when you are sure you are trying to do a good thing.
Peace! And cookies.
I really loved it .. Peace of mind is one of my challenges. Thanks for sharing Alina!