Trust is a BIG word. It is something we wish we could do but at the same time we are also afraid of it. So let’s start the conversation.
We all have at one point trusted someone or something and it went wrong. It does happen and in most cases this hurts. Oh, I can tell you I hate that sort of emotional pain.
So what do we do when that happens?
There is either we choose to close our self up and try to be extremely cautiously or we just learn the lesson, which for sure is not to stop trusting, and move on. Courage plays an important role in this process and trust me, seriously, without the tiniest bit of courage life stays boring.
When you decide to let go and have faith beautiful things might or might not happen. You might have done it before and should do it again and again, because believe it or not trust is fundamental to life. If you cannot trust in anything, life becomes intolerable—a constant battle against paranoia and looming disaster. So do you want to live that way? Do you think it’s healthy? No it’s not. Period. You can fool yourself but in the end you might realize the truth yourself.
Thing is that when you make a decision, at that moment in time, you trust that it is the right decision. It is how you felt at a particular time. In the future it might change and we all know the various reasons. But when we keep limiting ourselves because we’re scared to trust the unknown we might never get to live life to its fully madness.
As Maya Angelou says “Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.”
For some of us it’s actually hard. As I have found trust is both an emotional and logical act:
- Emotionally, by exposing your vulnerabilities to people
- Logically by trying to predict the probabilities of gain and loss
So I will leave you with this beautiful video and the following thought: Trust has to start somewhere. Why not with you? Why not today? Why not right now?
“In the end, you have to choose whether or not to trust someone.” ― Sophie Kinsella
Photo credits: Andreea Gruioniu Film&Photography