By: Iulia Saplacan On: November 03, 2014 In: Change, Learning Comments: 0

MexicoThe mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..” John Milton

This subject came into my mind while listening to some people talking about their problems. And I started to question myself “How come they don’t see it?”. It is as simple as that, our life is driven by our beliefs.

Incredible right? And yet, this is true. There is nothing more powerful than what you believe in!

We don’t know how life works. We don’t know if what we see and think is the absolute truth. And by the way, is there an absolute truth? We don’t even know if our beliefs are true or false. But what we really do know is this: if these beliefs work for some people, if these beliefs help us enrich our life, if they support our dreams, then they could work for us too. Of course, we have to have discipline, we need to work hard for our dreams and also enjoy the path we choose, but the real deal is this .. we can use these beliefs to improve our life.

Here are some of these beliefs, as Tony Robbins states:


No. 1: Everything that happens, happens for a reason and we can use it

You might have probably heard this phrase “Everything happens for a reason.” And sometimes it might also sound like a new age philosophy, but let me tell you that is a very powerful belief.
How do you usually expect things to happen? In a positive or negative way? Do you expect success or failure? Many of us tend to focus more on the negative than the positive and the first step towards change is being aware of your beliefs.
Limited beliefs create limited individuals and the solution is to give up limitations and act, taking into consideration a larger sum of resources.


No. 2: There is nothing like failure, there are only results

Most of us have been “programmed” to fear failure. And yet there were times when we desired something and got something else. The fact is that people always get some result, even if it’s not the one that they expected. So they try again and again and get other results. Does it make sense to you?
Think about this for a moment. What is the only resource that you have today, compared to yesterday? The answer is experience! And experience should never be considerated as negative, as we can always learn something from it and continue on growing.
Believing in failure is like poisoning your mind, so don’t be afraid of failure and take action every day!


No. 3: Whatever happens, take responsibility for it

A thing in which successful people believe is this: “I am responsible, I will take care of it.”
Sometimes negative things happen to us and we don’t know if it happened because of our actions or because of something else. But one thing is certain. We can learn from all experience, good or bad as it might be, as long as we choose to believe so.


No. 4: We need to understand things, in order to be able to use them

This belief goes very well along with the fact that time is the only resource that no one can give us. So we have to learn to use what we know and recognize what is essential, important and useful for us.
Successful people are very capable in distinguishing what they need to understand, from what is not essential to them. They are very capable of using what they know. So they get results.


No. 5: People are our major resource

People who have success, almost without exception, nurture great respect and know how to appreciate others. They also know what being a team is and also the value of the individual effort.

There is no lasting success without being in connection with the others and building a team capable of effective collaboration.
And the most important thing, they always ask “How can I do it better?”, “ How can I make it work?”.


No. 6: Work is a game

Mark Twain once said “The secret to success is to make of your vocation a vacation.” Sounds strange huh?

Actually is quite simple .. You will enrich your world and your work if you put the same passion as in your holidays/hobbies/spare time.


No. 7: There is no lasting success without commitment

This is one of the greatest truths ever. There can’t be great success, without great commitment.

And whoever wanted a better job, a better financial status, wanted a family, wanted to lose weight or any other great achievement, knows what I am talking about.

Anna Pavlova, a great classic ballerina, said: “Constantly pursuing a goal, that’s the secret of success.”



What happens if your beliefs don’t serve to sustain you? How can you change them?

You have already accomplished the first step, that is the assumption of consciousness. You know what you want!

The second step is taking action, that means controlling your beliefs and your internal representation of your world and understanding how your brain works and how to control it.

And now, ta daaa!! We have a great challenge for you. I know you were looking for it! 🙂
Please think about one great belief that stops you from having the life you want. Just one. And think about how could you change it. What actions you might take in order to have a stronger, more powerful belief that will help you improve your life?


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