Ok, I finally decided to do this!
After seeing several times all the people in a train wagon with their phones, checking out the latest news available, I decided I had to cut off all this “media/social/gossip” stuff.
I realized that I used to spend time concentrating on things that weren’t useful nor important to me.
Checking out other people’s lives is quite unproductive and this is why.
First, because you might feel you are not as successful or as happy as apparently other people are, or on the contrary, that you are “above” others. People who bellitle others often become too egoistical. Always comparing yourself to others leeds to low or increased self-esteem. In life there is always going to be someone subjectively “doing better” or doing “worse” than you and judging yourself by someone else’s standards is not going to make you feel good about yourself.
Second, because it’s a waste of time spending precious moments on something that doesn’t enrich you in any way. I guess this stands for Facebook, Twitter or any other social networks.
I found this lovely video, that I want to share with you.
And allow me to point out something else too. How many times have you talked in your real life with the people you are following on social networks? And now I’m not talking about George Clooney 😉 I haven’t talked to him either, even if I’m sure it would be interesting.
I am talking about your friends. I am even talking about your family.
I am talking about real life, real hugs, real winkle, real laugh, real joy, real tears, real you!
I am also talking about getting the work done instead of checking the latest news, focusing on what is really important for you.
Ah, one more thing. You will learn thet the word “Like” has no meaning whatsoever. And don’t give me that look!, you know it’s true!
So I invite you to take this challenge and simply say “No!” to social networks for a day, or a week, or a month, whatever time suits you. Say no and in this day just do something you really wanted to do for a long time and always postponed because you were too busy. Remember that time is the only resource no one can give you back. And life passes by really quickly, while we are wasting it on useless stuff.
Go out for a coffee with a friend, go to the cinema, take a walk, have a good laugh with someone, hug your lover, spend quality time with your dear ones, say “hi” or smile to a stranger!
Do whatever makes you feel alive!
Photo credit: Nate Bolt
Hi Iulia! This is a very interesting challenge, as I have decided myself to live “offline” and away from the internet, especially social media, between 22:00 in the evening and 9:00 in the morning. This might seem like not too much, but these are the time spans where I have decided I would rather focus on other things that are important to me, such as having a healthy morning and evening routine, or doing more writing and reading. I agree with many of the down sides you point out about social media, but I must also say that social media, especially Facebook, has also done wonderful things for me: I met my best friend many years ago on Facebook, him and a number of important friends with whom I undertook nice travelling or other unforgettable experiences, it allowed me to be in closely in touch with members of my family who live very far away, and it allowed me to find appropriate people for a number of projects that are very important to me. I think that social media is not bad as such, but it’s more about the use we make of it. It’s about striking the right balance, which is not always easy! In any case, I will make sure to tweet your article! 😉 Thanks for the challenge!
Hey Martine!
Of course, I agree with you. Facebook itself it’s not bad, it’s the use we make of it that it makes it good or bad, like all things actually. This also referse to all social media. I also use Facebook to stay in touch with the people I love and that I can’t see very often, or with friends that are far away.
Between 22:00 and 9:00 is just fine! I am glad that you have decided to take this challenge 🙂
Let me know how it goes and thank you for tweeting!
Have a wonderful day!!
It is a very lovely article Iulia!
I am re-reading it after I decided to put my account on sleep 3 weeks ago. What did I gain from that?
– I read 5 books (and finished 2 that I started long time ago)
– I am more productive since I am much less distracted
My main “issue” with the use of facebook was the cascade of unproductive acts. I saw a link in a feed that would bring me to another link, who would led me to a video and then I would read the wikipedia bio of this band and … 1 hour was gone 🙂 (Sound familiar? )
Thank you Yayi! I’m very glad you liked it.
Yeah, I really know the feeling. This was my main issue too. I was and still not am interested in lot of information that comes out every time you open Facebook.
So I have decided after this challenge finished, to reduce drasticaly my time on this “social” site.
And must admit that I gained a lot of time for other activities.