By: Roberta Rossini On: January 28, 2015 In: Excellence, happiness, health, Learning, Life, Success story Comments: 0
four tricks to manage stress

four tricks to manage stress

In the last two articles, we learned together how to recognize stress and we realized we can get in control when in a stressful situation by deciding how to react.

Prolonged stress –  like a fast pace life – can drain the energy in our body and mind making us less effective. In addition it exposes us to frequent infections, as our immune system gets inhibited. Not to talk about cardio diseases we all easily associate to a “stressful life”.

Just – to neutralize, or at least reduce, the impact of stress in our lives we can try to adopt a few simple tricks to make us live healthier.

1. Get enough sleep (See: Want to be successful? Start with Sleeping).

2. Eat healthy. I know, chocolate is tempting when under pressure. I confess I head to the Nutella jar as well, every now and then. And you know what? It does make me feel better in the following 90 sec. And then it is over. I still feel rather stressed and mostly irritable.  Rather turn to fruit and vegetable – where possible from biological farms close by. There are some great home delivery services of bio fruit and veggies– I use one of them because it forces me to use the goods I receive!

Go carb. It is OK – whole grains where possible. Now, unrefined sugar can be used in moderation. In my cakes and biscuit I tend to use wholegrain flour and unrefined sugar – and plenty of fruit. Try to limit the amount of dairy products as well. When backing you can take advantage of some great substitute for eggs (like bananas), butter (try oil), milk (in most cases water will do)!

Meat in moderation is fine, just make sure to balance it as well with vegetable and fish proteins. Eating healthy gives energy back, makes our body work better and supports the natural body weight. Avoiding the swing of sugar high and low will stabilize as well our hormone production and hence our mood and will make us think more clearly. All in all MODERATION is always the best option! And do not skip lunch!!!

Try to limit food with monounsaturated fats like junk food, chocolate, crisps, fried food, and cheese. Get to nuts and seeds. If you need some panic-attack-management food, try to turn to dried fruit like dates, apples or bananas (check out for the possible sugar add-on!). IT WORKS! (and makes you feel far less guilty than chocolate;-) )

3. Stay hydrated. When we are thirsty, we are already far too low in water: our body is rather bad in storing water and needs constant replenishment. Now I start my day with a big glass of water at room temperature with a slice of lime (it sort of cheers me up as lime makes me think of mojitos and parties!). It makes a miracle: it gives me a nice energy boost in the day, I literally have the impression it makes me think more clearly. Try it! It will make you start the day at a different level of energy! (I still go for my “cappuccino a day” after that!) Easy to say… how I started managing it? Well, thanks to Lidia. She is a passionate drinker of lukewarm water with a drop of lemon. So I thought I would try too.

Another tip: having a glass of wine or a coffee? Get a glass of water with that! Another easy one, don’t you think?

Ideally – how many times did we hear it – we need to drink 2 liters of water every day.

4. Move. Go for a swim in the ocean. Missing the ocean, see, lake..? No swimming pool? Go for a short run. If you think it is too much, go for a 20 min walk. Park a little further out than usual when going to the office or for the groceries. Take the stairs instead of the lift when going for lunch. Stand up when talking on the phone. Go dancing. I do Pilates and try to run twice a week for 30 min. And if I can make it… you can as well!

Now, think of 3 small things you can change that may have a positive influence. Could be something like: drinking a glass of water before breakfast, combined with a 15 min walk around the block at lunchtime and packing a banana for the tomorrow in the office. Or simply order a glass of water with your drink next week end.

Disclaimer: This text is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. Pls. consult your general practitioner or health care provider for guidance about a specific or suspected medical condition related to the topic covered.

If you want to learn more about what was covered in this article:

Stress management. Skills Training Course. Kathryn Critchley. Universe of Learning Ltd, 2010

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