One of the main steps in personal development is creating relationships with the others around you.
What do you know about friendship? How do you make a friend that will last for the whole life? You feel alone surrounded by people that you know nothing about? It is a hard work and you have to start with yourself! Let’s start this journey step by step…
During my whole life I kept on making friends and I believe I will continue doing it until my last breath. Someone was wondering how do I succeed in making friendships that last forever.
I’ve never thought about it until I was asked. So I tried to analyse my behaviour – what I really did every time someone came into my life and remained next to me in my “friends” category. Now I have friends from school, sport activities, art school, university, some neighbours and people that I’ve met during my travels, work and day-by-day activities.
You never know when you are going to meet the next friend for life. Some times it takes one minute to start talking. And this minute can last for the whole life!
One of my Spanish friends was wondering what is my secret in having friends all over the world. He used to travel a lot but still at his late age has a few friends that he barely keeps in touch with. He asked for an advice. And the first thing that came into my mind is that he is not usually smiling even if he is a good person.
So… do you have problems in making friends? You feel alone? Want to change your life and have some real friends to share your adventure called life? The answer to it is very simple – SMILE!!
I guess this is what you have to put on your face first thing in the morning! Make it as a habit! First of all Smile to your mirror friend! It will come back and your day will be better. And You are the first friend you need to keep for the rest of your life!
Smiling does not guarantee every one will remain your friend for life. But do YOU need all of them? The first step to get in touch with them is the moment you smile and receive it back! All you will receive is a better day and a much better world!!
Make a habit – Dress up with a smile every morning and try to keep it all day long!
This is just the first step!
If you find it hard to smile here is a trick – take a picture of a smiling child! This is the easiest way to get “poisoned” by happiness! And as any healthy habit you need to use it every single time you feel hard to smile, until it will remain in your mind and heart. Easy! Look at the photo above! She is my niece that makes me smile every time that I see her, no matter how I feel.
What do you feel? Share a smile now and life around you will change! It’s you that is going to make this world better. You are the charge!
Want to know what’s next? Keep tuned…
to be continued…