Dear Readers/Followers/Friends,
Today I want to try something different. I was thinking about the subjects to write about. I have some ideas, but I would really want to know what YOU want to read about.
I am interested in getting to know you and your expectations about the subjects you would like to read about. I would like to make a difference in your “reading life” by pubblishing something on themes that you are fond about.
So feel free to comment in the space below or ask for my email if you prefer to send me a private message.
Thank you for your time and interest!
Cari Lettori/Followers/Amici,
oggi vorrei provare qualcosa di diverso. Stavo giusto pensando ai temi sui quali scrivere. Certamente ho alcune idee, ma vorrei sapere cosa ne pensate VOI e di cosa volete leggere.
Sarei interessata a conoscervi e a conoscere le aspettative che avete per quanto riguarda ciò che vi piacerebbe leggere. Vorrei sicuramente fare la differenza nella vostra “vita letteraria”, pubblicando articoli su temi che vi appassionano.
Quindi sentitevi liberi ti commentare nello spazio sotto o chiedete il mio indirizzo mail, nel caso in cui preferite inviarmi un messaggio in privato.
Grazie mille per il vostro tempo e interesse!
Hi, Iulia!
I like your question….sometimes I read very theoritical articles on the web, with no soul, so I would be happy to discover some personal opinions and experiences that would allow me to grow, to learn something new.
You have a genuine talent to capture the essence, so let your creativity flow!
I, personnally, would like to read about emotions and personal development (skills, potential, talent).
Hey Monica!
Thank you so much for the feedback. It is highly appreciated!
Emotions and personal development are actually two of my favourite subjects, so will do my best to include them in my articles.