Every woman and every man have this undeniable need to find and keep love.
Sometime ago I started to read about attachment styles (secure, avoidant and anxious) and I want to share with you some of my findings. The attachment style we develop goes back to our childhood years and depends a lot on our interaction with our parents. If they were sensitive and responsive to our needs, we will develop a secure attachment as an adult.
As for the avoidant and anxious attachment style, the parents were cold, distant, emotionally unavailable and were not able to respond to the child basic needs.
In the next three months I will take you on a journey of discovering them through three love letters. No matter the attachment style, every person is unique and special and deserves to be loved.
My Love letter to the “secures of the world”
My dear,
Words are too little to express my joy of having you in my life.
You make me feel stronger, you believe in me more and more and you always stand by me.
I am more confident, able to recognize toxic people and to stay away from them.
I learn to develop my creativity because you are providing this safe environment.
Some people may call you boring, I call you consistent and faithful and I am sure that when you find the right person, you will celebrate it with a smile, a laugh, a crazy trip, a kiss, a tender caress, a lifetime of joy together.
With you, things are clear and simple, but in the same time outstanding and amazing: we evolve and keep learning together. Because of you I am not lost in ambigous games and I can see clearly who am I and what I deserve in a relationship.
I promise not to take you for granted and to give you the space you need to grow and to be happy.
Life might offer us difficult moments, but with you by my side I am already a winner.
I encourage you to follow your passions and not to settle for less than you deserve, don’t stay in relationships that don’t make you happy, who are not loving and positive. Protect your heart, recognise the signs and move on in search of the love you deserve!
The seeds of your happiness are within yourself, come, don’t waste your time!
With a loving heart and a lot of appreciation,
Don’t miss my next love letter and learn in a simple way about how to recognise and deal with the avoidant attachment style!
Photo Credits to Andrei Melinte Photography
What an original way of presenting the attachment styles! The letter is really beautiful. Thanks Monica!
Thank you, Yayi!
Attachment styles deserve our undivided attention. More to come next month!