By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: November 27, 2014 In: Change, Coaching, Emotions Comments: 0

Last time we were talking about perception and the way we see and interpret things around us, how we react to the environment and people around us as gods…or was it just as merely humans?! The human mind is a very powerful instrument and is able to make you...

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By: Roberta Rossini On: November 26, 2014 In: Change, Creativity, Excellence, Learning Comments: 0

  A little while ago, a very inspiring friend of mine was teasing me with a question. How comes that prisoners manage to escape from prisons? Well, simple – she said – because that is what they have in mind all the time. They are literally obsessed by the...

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By: Yayi On: November 11, 2014 In: Change, Learning Comments: 2

A common story… Lena is a sociology student and has been given 2 months ago an assignment to produce a paper. Deadline is tomorrow, she has spent the past seven days sitting in front of her computer with a pile of books on her desk. Yet, the page is...

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By: Iulia Saplacan On: November 03, 2014 In: Change, Learning Comments: 0

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..” John Milton This subject came into my mind while listening to some people talking about their problems. And I started to question myself “How come they don’t see it?”. It...

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By: Roberta Rossini On: October 28, 2014 In: Challenge, Change, Emotions, Life Comments: 1

Because of the job of my husband, my family moved around quite a bit. Normally every 3 to 4 years. About a year ago time came to move from sunny Rome, Italy to green The Hague, The Netherlands. As that was not a new destination for us, at the...

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By: Stefania Rosca On: October 21, 2014 In: Change, Learning Comments: 1

We all know smoking is bad for our health. It is written on every package and every doctor will tell you this. As many, I was struggling with quitting. I tried it a couple of times but without luck. My day used to start with a cup of coffee...

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By: Yayi On: October 17, 2014 In: Change, Coaching, Learning Comments: 0

There is something very interesting about these times: we are used to immediate reactions. We do not like to delay pleasure; we are keen on instant gratification even if the long term effects are damaging and will cost us more. We all want to live a healthy, successful and...

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By: Alina Ionescu On: October 14, 2014 In: Change Comments: 0

Looking for fun and excitement? Do you sometimes feel like you are living within a confined domain of potential experiences – searching for new experiences but not really knowing why, except that they are fun and they take you outside of your normal day to day programming? What if...

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By: Roberta Rossini On: October 10, 2014 In: Change, Emotions, Excellence, happiness, Life, Motivation Comments: 0

I love getting my first cappuccino in the morning at the place at the corner: the friendly smile of the lady preparing it for me gives more of a boost in the day than the caffeine itself! Being positive, “positive thinking”, has to do with approaching difficult events by...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: October 02, 2014 In: Change, Learning Comments: 0

Speaking about the GOD Complex is too complex and one cannot say that the subject is completely covered… like ever. Also, as per Plato’s “cave allegory”, every opinion, every concept, every truth, every attitude is subject to interpretation. Even the GOD Complex. In the last article we talked about...

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