By: Lidia Dogaru On: July 01, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Learning, Life Comments: 6

I heard once this nice phrase: “If you want God to laugh, tell him your plans.” I said that this could not be true…but there are so many more sayings that mean more or less the same thing, so there has to be somewhere a bit of truth. And guess what:...

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What is happening in your life right now? This was the question we asked ourselves last week. Why? Here at Uptitude we talk to each other a lot. Only, recently we had noticed we were sharing lots of things about our lives internally, but not translating this into a...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: June 24, 2015 In: Emotions, Learning, Life Comments: 2

Following the challenge my friends and colleagues came up with I am trying to articulate the now in my life, which feels like a never-ending soap opera…it sounds funny, but trust me it has so much drama that my liver is now in intensive therapy. The now: I have...

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By: Simon Finlayson On: June 22, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Emotions, Learning Comments: 1

What is going on? Yes, just that. Some of us in the Uptitude team have been rather silent of late, so we asked each other, ‘what is going on?” A challenge if you will, write an article about the things that we are experiencing right now in and around...

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By: Roberta Rossini On: May 03, 2015 In: Learning Comments: 0

We are going through a major transformation at work. Around me I see colleagues being appointed to new challenging jobs, while others are – temporarily – making small compromises on their career status and prefer to secure a position in the new structure. To be honest, I am not...

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By: Paddy Honan On: April 21, 2015 In: Learning Comments: 0

Teenage years… What is it about the teenage years? There is something special if not critical in this period of a person’s life. As the second most formative stage for human beings, the impact of the influences and the result of the decisions made during this time can fuel or...

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By: Monica Moldovan On: April 13, 2015 In: Learning, Love Comments: 0

My open letter to « the avoidants of the world » My dear, From the first day we met, you were sending me mixed signals : once you were kind and focused on us, then cold and distant for a while. I don’t want to judge you or make...

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By: Roberta Rossini On: March 12, 2015 In: Learning Comments: 0

We all know it: it is essential to be able to count on a strong team exactly then when the pressure is at its highest. The classic situations that normally one thinks of have to do with sport, of course, and they have to do with maintaining or regaining...

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By: Monica Moldovan On: February 26, 2015 In: Learning, Love Comments: 2

Every woman and every man have this undeniable need to find and keep love. Sometime ago I started to read about attachment styles (secure, avoidant and anxious) and I want to share with you some of my findings.  The attachment style we develop goes back to our childhood years...

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By: Iulia Saplacan On: February 02, 2015 In: Change, Learning Comments: 0

“Mediocrity scares me. It’s the fear of not being as good as you want to be. If you give over to that fear, it will sabotage you. As much as I can, I try to use that fear to guide me.” (Italian version below – Versione italiana sotto) During...

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