By: Simon Finlayson On: October 02, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Emotions, happiness, Learning, Life, Love, metaphors Comments: 0

Down in the Dumps? Feel like everyday is a battle? I feel you. This is not about being Depressed or Sad, it is that feeling of Life being a wall that surrounds you, demanding that you constantly have to climb over it to participate in your own well being....

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By: Lidia Dogaru On: March 20, 2015 In: happiness, metaphors Comments: 0

A few days ago I saw a movie that I liked a lot. Simple, relaxing, with a lot of interesting points of view and learnings. Then I discovered that actually the movie was based on a novel that had international success and I grabbed the book and read it!...

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By: Paddy Honan On: October 19, 2014 In: Learning, Life, metaphors Comments: 1

There we were in the plane, which was shaking violently in what should have been a standard landing. The turbulence was as bad as anything I had felt before as the storm was blowing up around us. Then I saw something that really caught my attention. A thing that...

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By: Alina Ionescu On: August 17, 2014 In: Learning, metaphors Comments: 0

A friend told me that I should watch this movie, like friends do, and now I’m paying the debt forward by recommending it to people who haven’t seen it. After you do watch it, I ask of you to share it with your friends too, as I found it...

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By: Lidia Dogaru On: May 09, 2012 In: metaphors, Motivation Comments: 0

I heard this story from a friend of mine and now use it very often during my coaching sessions and also in some of my seminars. It shows how what others say influence us. There once was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a climbing competition. The goal...

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