By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: July 20, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Learning Comments: 0

We speak of challenges, but actually it is a very strong form of motivation, being able to put your thoughts into words, on a website opened to the world. It takes courage, it takes power and maybe a little dose of insanity to be able to do it, but...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: July 06, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Learning, Life, Motivation Comments: 0

I always wonder who I am and what made me who and what I am today. There is a saying in my country that tends to generalize a bit behaviour and judges parents and family more than it judges the misbehaved, naughty, cheeky…you. It says that the reason why you...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: June 24, 2015 In: Emotions, Learning, Life Comments: 2

Following the challenge my friends and colleagues came up with I am trying to articulate the now in my life, which feels like a never-ending soap opera…it sounds funny, but trust me it has so much drama that my liver is now in intensive therapy. The now: I have...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: January 16, 2015 In: Emotions, Life, Motivation Comments: 0

Courage….as a definition is opposite to fear…or(according to Wikipedia): “Courage is the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. Physical courage is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death, while moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: November 27, 2014 In: Change, Coaching, Emotions Comments: 0

Last time we were talking about perception and the way we see and interpret things around us, how we react to the environment and people around us as gods…or was it just as merely humans?! The human mind is a very powerful instrument and is able to make you...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: October 02, 2014 In: Change, Learning Comments: 0

Speaking about the GOD Complex is too complex and one cannot say that the subject is completely covered… like ever. Also, as per Plato’s “cave allegory”, every opinion, every concept, every truth, every attitude is subject to interpretation. Even the GOD Complex. In the last article we talked about...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: August 19, 2014 In: Motivation Comments: 2

My friend asked me what was the topic of my next article and when i responded “the God Complex” she replied “c’ mon…it doesn’t have to be about you all the time!!”   According to Wikipedia: “A god complex is an unshakable belief characterized by consistently inflated feelings of...

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By: Anamaria Fuiorea On: July 29, 2014 In: Learning, Motivation Comments: 1

Motivation is the reason behind every conscious action a person takes. It is the answer to the hardest, most destabilizing question in the universe “WHY?”. It is the cause that produces every effect, the spring that puts into motion every action and reaction…it is the fuel, so to say,...

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By: Lidia Dogaru On: July 11, 2014 In: Motivation, Team, Uptitude Comments: 0

I must be honest…When we first published the announcement that we are searching for Motivation Content Creators, I was expecting only a few people to write to us. And guess what happened! We didn’t get only a few people… we got a lot of amazing, resourceful, enthusiastic, authentic, beautiful...

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