By: Simon Finlayson On: October 02, 2015 In: Challenge, Change, Emotions, happiness, Learning, Life, Love, metaphors Comments: 0

Down in the Dumps? Feel like everyday is a battle? I feel you. This is not about being Depressed or Sad, it is that feeling of Life being a wall that surrounds you, demanding that you constantly have to climb over it to participate in your own well being....

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By: Simon Finlayson On: July 08, 2015 In: Change, Emotions, Events, Learning, Life, Motion Comments: 1

Emotion. Butterflies in your stomach from your first Crush on someone? Floating and skipping through your day on a wave of Happiness? These are all symptoms of emotions, after effects if you will. When do you feel and experience the real, RAW emotions? I’m talking about your body feeling...

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