By: Monica Moldovan On: January 30, 2015 In: happiness, Love Comments: 0

“We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness.” Albert Schweitzer Are you energized when you spend time with other people? Do you suffer when the others don’t make time for you? Are you feeling hurt when the dates are postponed and you feel people...

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By: Iulia Saplacan On: October 26, 2014 In: Learning, Life, Love Comments: 0

Apologizing is something I never thought about, as for me is quite natural (sometimes even without meaning it for real). Yes, I admit it! As a person with a very strong self-esteem, I have this problem, especially when I am not convinced that I did something wrong (for my...

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By: Iulia Saplacan On: September 21, 2014 In: Learning, Love Comments: 0

We were told during our whole life (or at least I was) that “when the right one will arrive, you’ll know it”, “if it’s meant to be, it will be” and so on. Well, I tell you this is nonsense! And it is nonsense because love is a choice,...

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